Being queer and living in a majoritively conservative city, one can often feel out of place. It may not feel like it for certain people in the community, as they have found their 2SLGBTQIA+ connections, but there are many who aren’t as fortunate. Our city has portrayed itself as a queer friendly environment but is lacking in queer friendly spaces; this makes it difficult to find others within the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. That absence of connection leads to a lack of conversation, allowing for others to take control of the queer narrative. When a group of people can’t hold the pen for their own story, there is bound to be misrepresentation and censorship. Erasure of 2SLGBTQIA+ identities is harmful for personal development.
It is important to ensure proper representation of queer folks; representation humanizes individuals and a lack of acknowledgement is degrading. When someone is questioning their identity and is deprived of a local community, they will often turn to the internet – which is not the most reliable source. It is through the media that misrepresentation is cultivated, which is important as it plays a crucial role in forming people’s perceptions. When depictions are done poorly, it has damaging effects. When addressing censorship of queer voices, Anderson and Roth wrote, “the same mechanisms that block LGBTQ-themed hashtags on Instagram or demonetize LGBTQ channels on YouTube, for example, also often permit – or even promote – anti-LGBTQ content” (2020, para. 2). TV shows and movies will often rely on stereotypes when portraying 2SLGBTQIA+ identities, as it is often written by those who are not a part of the community. Such distortions can lead to difficulties in someone’s journey of self-discovery.
However, this is not just to express our feelings. By publishing this, we are taking a stand against erasure and misrepresentation. It is important that more people share their stories to help queer youth form their own identities. With the stereotypical depictions online, it is crucial to guide others through a supportive community. We need more first-hand accounts of queer stories to educate and empower; but we must acknowledge that people need a safe space to do so. We hope that by publishing this, we can inspire people to go out and form 2SLGBTQIA+ bonds. If your community is lacking queer spaces, don’t be afraid to start the first one. Use your voice to fight queer misrepresentation.
- Anderson, A. & Roth, A. (2020). Queer erasure: Internet browsing can be biased against LGBTQ people, new exclusive research shows. Index on Censorship.